Thursday, 23 September 2010

A constant encounter with my greatest foe...

Human emotion, such a glorious thing is it not? The main trait that sets us apart from the apes in the Amazon is our ability to feel, to think and so on. And yet, this gift is not all positive, as it also forces upon us darker emotions, such as jealousy, hatred and despair. I myself have been locking horns with one such emotion as of late, but not one that many would first think of as overly bad. I of course refer to my greatest nemesis...Boredom.
About this time last year, I was settled into my second year at Cirencester College. The courses I took there offered me things to think about. Chemistry taxed my brain, History sparked my interest, and Public services concentrated on my physical side. All was well. Though as usual things buzzed around in my head, the usual concerns and worries, but all the College parts kept those nicely suppressed. It was all going so well until results day, but then, College finished. I thought it would be fantastic once I got out of education and into the real world, but my truth is proving far different.
I have three good days a week and two good nights. On Mondays and Thursdays, my job at Laser-quest keeps me occupied with various tasks, and my need to impress on my three month trial means that any...shall we say, irritating thoughts. Most Saturdays I go and see my Dad, which again, gives me something to do. And of course, Monday and Friday nights, I put on my uniform and trot down to cadets. But that's all I have to do in the week. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Sundays, and Friday in the day time are all completely blank, leaving me very little to do.
Now normally one of my cure's for boredom is writing, but lately, I am experiencing some serious writer's block, and just can't seem to think what to write in 'Devil inside'. I also am unable to work on 'Anonymous' as those I have sent the second draft to have not given me feedback (to anyone reading this I have sent it too, yes that was a hint...please =D). All my video games have become old and dull and I think I’ve watched every move I own (at least twice).
Now there is a major problem with being bored. Remember I said that there's crap floating around up in the old grey matter. Well what that involves is regrets, past failures and all sorts of other negative garbage...and guess what happens when I get bored? Yep! I start to think, something that should really stop happening. Which means is reflect on this crap. I admit there are certain parts that have since disappeared, but there have been one or two fresh additions as well, which for obvious reasons, will not be said unless I actually want to talk to someone about them...fat chance.

I have to say...and bear in mind I never thought I would say this: I really miss college!
So yes all those at Cirencester College doing a third yea, it would appear that you are not all as insane as I believed you were. I was wrong and I admit it. I do not admit that often so don't get used to it.

Anyway, that's my ranting over for another day at least. Again, if you have soldiered on to this point, I am impressed. And for those people mental enough to follow my blog and read all my posts, you guys(and girls) need medals. But unfortunatly I don't have any at the moment so I must apologise.

This is Mathew Willis

Signing off..

Thursday, 9 September 2010

What is my species coming to?

It is often claimed by scientists that the human race is the most intelligent species to ever grace the planet. After all, we have unlocked the secrets of our planet and performed amazing acts. But as I progress through life, I see myself doubting this statement more and more. Our species' intelligence seems to be failing us. And if you want proof, although I’m sure you can all think of a fine example of de-evolution, you need look no further than the news.

One prime example that I have been following is the case in Florida of Pastor Terry Jones. In memory of the attacks on the United states, he planned to burn a large amount of the Muslim holy book; the Koran. Now this has foolishness in its own rights. Firstly, though it is true that the men who boarded and hijacked the aircraft were Muslim, it does not mean that every Muslim on the face of the earth was in on the plan! That's like saying that all white Christians lynched black people in the 1960s, or saying that all Germans are Nazis. Secondly, the fool did not realise the repercussions that burning a holy book would have on the Islamic community. If anything is likely to cause more Muslims to join the cause of people like Osama Bin Laden, then ritually burning their holy book is it. People may say "well if they burned a load of bibles, we wouldn't do the same". Well that is because the arsehats who would say that do not understand the principles of Islam. Muslims, by their religious laws are a peaceful people, except under one circumstance: when defending their faith. Now I don't know about you, but burning a load of sacred text, so special that English translations are considered false, and therefore all Islamic children learn Arabic, seems a bit like an attack. This of course would result in an increase in terrorist attacks on the west and therefore more innocent lives cut short. Had it gone ahead and anyone I knew was hurt as a result, I can tell you, that Pastor would be getting a little visit from yours truly to explain just how much of an idiot, no, imbecile he had been. Thankfully, he did eventually see sense and called his little event off. But this is far from the end of my rant...

Now when I saw that the event had been called off on MSN news, I breathed a short sigh of relief. 'it's good to see that brain cells have finally kicked in' I thought to myself, only to be bought back into despair. Now anyone who knows MSN news knows that people leave comments. Now I occasionally read these, just to see what people think...and I was mortified by what I read this time round:

09 September 2010 22:09:19

Wimp, you buy a book you own the book, you wanna burn the book thats your call, afterall in this financial climate you would have thought that the muslims would be greatful for the income from the sale of 200 books.

You didn't see the western world calling for the death of muslims when they burned a few hundred copies of Rushdies crap book did you ?
ReplyReport Abuse
09 September 2010 22:11:59

Fcuking chicken

ReplyReport Abuse
09 September 2010 22:12:26
Well, I will still burn mine."
Upon reading this...I was gobsmacked. Are people really this ignorant, this intolerant, this...foolish? Now before anyone thinks me naive, I am aware that a lot of people don't give a shit about the rest of the world, but come on! this is downright ridiculous! This kind of intolerance is just plain pathetic! In many ways, seeing people be this stupid is good for me, as it shows me what happens to people who make stupid decisions or are too thick to think for themselves. I do hope that by reading this, you learn from their foolishness, and that you see, as I do, Just what some people are beginning to lower themselves too
This is Mathew Willis
Signing off
Good night

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Twinkle Twinkle little star

I do not quite know why, but I have always been fascinated with the heavens. By this i do not mean that i contemplate the afterlife. No, I am somewhat of a stargazer, as anyone whe has been out drinking should honestly know. Now for an 18-year-old boy this probably seems odd. If the papers are to be believed, surely I as a teenage boy should be some kind of drunken yob. And yet, more often than not, sober or a little tipsy, I will tend to have a brief stare into the heavens, as to admire some of the sheer beauty of what lies beyond our little blue sphere.

It seems all natural to me to have a gaze at something beautiful like a sunset, or a clear star filled sky, or even a snow-filled landscape with a small bird or two fluttering around. Perhaps if I am lucky I will get the joy of a shooting star in the night sky, or perhaps the sight of fork lightning in a thunderstorm. But it pains me sometimes to think that such things sometimes go un-noticed by the people. It pains me to think just how...ignorant they can be of such events. This can be especially true in men, though women are not exempt from ignorance. And yet being a man I look at gentlemen all around me paying no heed to these natural events and sometimes I can't help but think...'is it wrong that I find this amazing?' or 'is it so wrong for me to actually pick out beauty?'. I am sure there are people out there who will say it is wrong that I admire the natural world, especially seeing as I want to serve in the Royal Air Force, so I am instantly expected to be some kind of rock hard soldier with absolutely no feelings of that sort.

But for those who do insist on that narrow view, I shall say this, and only this:

Open your damn eyes.

Yes, I want to be a soldier. Yes, the job I want does require me to fight on the front lines (or to be precise, above them). However, that does not mean I am some kind of burley, brainless gung-ho lunatic. In fact, from my experience, most soldiers, regardless of whether they are Army, Navy or RAF, are quite cultured and are far from brainless. Many actually see things the way I do, appreciating the better things of this world.

So next time you happen to be out on a clear night, why not look up for just a moment. On a snowy day, take a quick glance out of your window. Or on a day where a gentle rain falls, why not take a bit of a wander, just to have a quick glance of the world around you. Trust's a lot better than you might think.