Thursday, 18 November 2010

Adventures of an ameture author: a new plan

Despite advice given that i should continue Devil Inside, I am finding it very hard to out pen to paper on this one. I can up with wonderfull ideas but i just don't know how to fill it out with other stuff. I had even devised an awsome ending for it! So, I'm taking a break from it to write a new story. It's going to be set in, like anonymous, near future, say around 20 to 30 years. No major technological advances, but the future in this one is far more grim than anonymous. In the outbreak of a near nuclear war, a country votes in a new leader. Though his regieme is tyranical, within a year, the war is won, terrorism is eradicated and all seems well. But the new leader soon starts setting out to controll everything, and any who dissagree are removed from existance, either by enforcers, or one of the coldly efficient and brutal 'Tredecim Muneris' or Thirteen Officers for those like myself who can't speak latin.

I have writen a prolouge for your entertainment, it should offer a taste of what is to come.
Enjoy =D

“To my darling child,

If you have the fortune to find this, then it will seem odd that it is addressed to you, for you will not know me. You will never have been aware of the existence of me. But this is a message you must read. You have been lied to your entire life. This document contains the only weapon you will ever truly need.


They told us that all they wanted was our compliance, and they would protect us from our enemies. Of course, we were at war, and with a foe who would not hesitate to wipe us from the face of the Earth, of course we complied with them! It was either that or annihilation, and we thought it would all end once the war was over...

Maybe we should have chosen annihilation...for the nuclear fires would have been far kinder than those who reign over us from the shadows. I’ve seen terrible things, people who even just utter a joke that offends them are erased without trial. No one escapes. No one survives.

Of course, we tried to fight, but to a force that held off three nations, waves of terrorism and conquered half the globe, small resistance like us are just ants to be crushed under foot without care or thought. They have already killed so many of us, I am the only one left now. I can hear them coming, and the cold footsteps echoing through the corridor slowly indicate that one of their ‘officers’ has chosen to personally track me down. Sending one of the 13 most feared agents after me should probably make me feel honoured. But there is no martyrdom here. Those hunted by the officers are not killed, but erased. No one will ever know I existed. Everything I have: my driver’s licence, my passport, even my birth certificate will all be incinerated along with my corpse. That is why I write this. I shall hide it where they will never find it and I shall send you something so that when you grow older you will understand what is happening in the world you will enter, and the world from which I shall be forced to leave.

I only have a minute now. I can hear his footsteps by the door. This cannot contail all the truth, but it will set you on the path you need to find out how to save our way of life.

I love you

Sellina Deebal,
Your Mother”

This is Mathew Willis
Signing off

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